<< x264HD Massagerooms.com - George on Jenny
Massagerooms.com - George on Jenny
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Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 5 Bytes
Website http://base64.derefer.me/?aHR0cDovL256YmluZGV4Lm5sL2Rvd25sb2FkLzkyMzE5ODk5LzI3ODc4NC1GVUxMLWEuYi5lcm90aWNhLW1yLjEzLjA3LjA5Lmdlb3JnZS5hbmQuamVubnktMDE0OC1tci4xMy4wNy4wOS5nZW9yZ2UuYW5kLmplbm55LXNhbXBsZS5tcDQubnpi
Sender Tartaros (ux7MYA)            
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Post Description

George was tidying up the massage rooms whilst waiting for his first client. Jenny arrived and gave a lovely sweet wave to everyone and walked in, her blonde hair was beautifully noticeable as was her pretty face. Jenny is clearly a natural, down to earth girl with no hang-ups or attitude and everyone immediately warmed to her. As George's strong hands rubbed over the contours of her beautiful sexy body her face lit up and her expressions and groans were so real it was driving George to distraction. As they continued they entered their own little world and they both got lost in each other's sexual chemistry and energy�the result of which was some amazing real and horny sex, lucky George!

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